What are the Benefits of Using Meta Descriptions and Title Tags?

What are the Benefits of Using Meta Descriptions and Title Tags?

One of the most important elements of your page that helps users find you on the results page is the title tag. It is through the topic of the page and the name of the site depicted on the blue link that users will reach your page.
Another part of the page that appears in the SERP is the meta description found below the title tag. Its function is to inform the visitor through a brief description of the web page.
The title tag compared to the meta description has a significant impact on the SEO optimization of the page. On the other hand, a good looking description will attract people to check out your web page.
We need to come up with a proper title tag to make sure it doesn't get rewritten by Google. From 2021, Google has the right to change the title tags so that they contain enough information about the page. Rewriting can have a negative impact on click-through rates.

Use of titles
To maximize the power of SEO optimization, it is necessary to know the correct use of heading tags (H1, H2, H3). The advantage of using title tags is that they break up the content and make it easier for people to navigate and scan the text to find what they're looking for.
Using titles will improve the CTR (Click-through rate) of the page, while showing Google more about what is on your page. Google will scan title tags and give them an increased value, so it's important to be confident that your page contains relevant tags.