What is Technical SEO?

What is Technical SEO?

A technically well-optimized website is fast for users and easy for robots to rank. Important features for a technically optimized website:

Speed - Technically optimized websites load quickly. If the user is forced to wait more than 3-4 seconds for the site to load, they will lose interest and leave the site.
Site Ranking - Lack of optimization contributes to difficult search engine discovery and the site will be ranked far back in the results pages.
Technically optimized sites are easier for the search engine algorithm to understand, which makes them easier to rank.
Security - Security is extremely important not only for website owners but also for users. Security creates privacy, protects users' personal data, while ranking your site better.
Structured Data - Technical SEO structures your data, which gives search engines additional information about what's on the page and better understand your website content.
Bad (empty) pages - If a link leads to a non-existent page on your site, people will encounter a 404 error page. With various tools, technical SEO tries to remove as many of these empty links as possible.
Missing duplicate information - Unique content on your site gives an advantage from the point of view of SEO optimization. Duplicate content confuses search engines and hinders website indexing. With a well-optimized website, the risk of duplicate content is significantly lower.

On-page SEO
This type of optimization includes the content on your website - keywords, meta tags, content quality, blog posts, loading speed of your photos, etc.
Off-page SEO
This is the segment contributed by links to your e-shop from other sites.